Arnbjörn Eggerz
Time for an action plan
About two years ago the Icelandic economic miracle became a nightmare. Since that a nation took a crash course in economics to understand what happened. Understandably anger, fear and despair about the situation led to a blame game and ideological clashes over neoliberalism and free market societies. In reality the crisis is about humans driven by greed taking decisions for which they did not have to bear the consequences themselves. But there is one good thing about human beings - they can change.
4 Should you not be in Iceland all the time?
No. Times change and modern technology allows to follow information over distance. We found that independence and a fresh look by contrasting different realities helps to stay focused and independent in opinion.
3 What do you do with my donation?
All donations will be used according to NyÌssköpuns charter. Your money will be spent to allow the organization to operate. Donations for a particular project will only be used for the project according to the claimed usage.
2 Are you a partisan organization?
No. Currently we do not favor or support a political party. We think that party politics are a serious problem in times of change because they restrict thinking and needed reforms. However we follow ethics.
1 Who are you?
1 Who are you?
We are a group of people composed by Icelanders and friends with the aim of supporting Iceland is this crisis and beyond
Renewable enrgy for a sustainable future
Business Plan Competition entrepreneurship.is
Currently we are preparing the first Icelandic international business plan competition which we hope will start in Q3/2011 on Iceland. We keep it vague since we develop our projects very carefully and want to make sure that they really benefit. Therefore we follow the developments in Iceland closely in order to decide on the right timing as well as doing an ongoing cost/benefit analysis.
Input & Information
NyIssköpin is providing input and information for current debates in form of reserarch or studies.
In our focus of interest is financial market stability, market organization for mutual benefit and political reforms in open societies in todays era.