On October 6th, 2008, shortly before its 90th anniversary, Iceland's autonomy lost its innocence –our reputation is sullied and we are left to grapple with the ogre of individual and collective bankruptcy. After clearly showing the world what doesn't work, we are now called upon to restore our honor by showing the world what will work for the next 90 years. Our vision is to see Iceland return to true strength and independence again by claiming the cutting edge of both technology and ethics.
We want Iceland to become a model, future-looking society going beyond fixing an old system we have aptly proven to be flawed.
Transparency and excellence are key to securing an equitably properous future –transparency into decision making politically and economically for both domestic and international observers.
Excellence can be achieved by forming a council of the wise reporting to the president with honorary representatives from the various professions to examine bills of laws from the parliament and either pass them or veto them with change suggestions and the right to introduce own bills of law concerning economics, labor, and sustainability. The goal is to systematically bring competency and the stakeholders into a transparent decision process.
The major challenge today for the credibility of free society is a reasonable degree of security and dignity of livelihood. Ideally society should be like a family business where solidarity is voluntary because people identify naturally with their family – "family" means a balance of genders and generations – there in no unemployment in a family, and "business" means we have to assert ourselves in a competitive, hostile, international environment - Iceland has all the prerequisites. This is the challenge facing the formation of the Icelandic model – to nurture a patriotic form of voluntary, transparent solidarity and yet remain competitive in the international market. This requires innovation in the ethics of public life just as much as in technology.
Sustainability is key to the Icelandic model – energy, nutrition, clean air and water – we have more than enough, let's leverage our own rather than depend on others. Our vision for the Icelandic model is Iceland as an energy broker – self-sustaining and an exporter. Sustainability means in our own time within our means, rather than at the expense of future generations. It also means the willingness to serve – e.g., we favor the formation of an Icelandic "peace force" where every able-bodied Icelanders serves for a number of months to maintain the sustainability of the land.